Hawkesbury River Station Upgrade

Located on the edge of the Hawkesbury River, the setting for this State Heritage listed railway station is one of unusual beauty. It gives rail users, residents and visitors to Brooklyn a strong sense of connection to and immersion in the natural landscape.
As part of Transport for NSW’s Transport Access Program (TAP), DesignInc provided detailed design documentation and construction phase services for the upgrade of Hawkesbury River Station to be accessible, modern and welcoming.
The architectural language of the new work successfully fits with the heritage structures of the existing station, and resonates with the rail and maritime history of the locality. The upgrade includes two new lifts connecting into the existing footbridge with screens, canopies and dark steel cladding inspired by fishing boat hulls. There is also a new accessible bathroom with a canopy for covered access.
Connections with the surrounding area have been improved with a new kiss and ride area, accessible parking, upgraded wayfinding and enhanced security.

Customers are able to use the station’s new and improved accessibility features. Hawkesbury River Station is now accessible, allowing for safer, easier and more convenient travel for all customers.
Transport for NSW