Bryce Bessell

Associate, Adelaide

Dissecting project issues and objectives to develop solutions that align with project briefs, user requisites, and defence criteria is my specialty. These demands often present complex problems that require a technical solution. It is an atypical design process, but I enjoy it.

Bryce is a registered architect and defence specialist working with building types that present unique technical challenges and detailed requirements. His experience includes industrial buildings, training facilities, vehicle workshops, workspaces, and accommodation. Bryce has developed a comprehensive understanding of defence standards, which are typically more stringent in the requirements for acoustics, engineering, data, robustness, longevity, and high levels of security. As a Security Officer, he ensures that DesignInc Adelaide maintains its defence certification and quality systems.

Throughout his career, Bryce has always valued the relationships he forms with clients and colleagues, and he enjoys seeing everyone contribute their skills and experience.